Good friends, good times

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I haven’t seen Anthony Moore in probably eight years or more, but we talk every couple of weeks. He’s a good friend, and I’m working with him this weekend.

Over the years, we’ve played pranks on each other, and now we’re reliving old times. It’s a lot of fun.

I give some credit to winning the world championship to Anthony (Jerry is the 1998 Wrangler Bullfights world champion). He taught me something about how to read bulls and read what leads they’re in. He awakened me to that aspect of fighting bulls. Actually he’s the one who spurred me on to doing some research on matadors.

Working with him, I got to thinking that there’s something more I could do to help my bullfighting. I began reading about matadors, and I learned a lot about bulls that a lot of guys in the States have never learned. I know guys that have been to the finals who still don’t know that stuff.

That encouraged me to do a little research and apply myself a little more, and I think that, eventually, helped me to win the world title.

This weekend is just another stop with good friends.


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