Strong tie-down roping field set for RNCFR

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EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of the stories presented as a blog for the Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo. All the stories can be found HERE.

Like every event, tie-down roping at the Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo will feature many of the greatest contestants in the discipline.

From regular qualifiers like Bill Huber to world champions like Tuf Cooper, nine of the 24 cowboys have qualified to the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. Of those, three are from Oklahoma – Prairie Circuit winners Jerome Schneeberger and Hunter Herrin and Columbia River Circuit winner Blair Burk – and they’ll be competing in their home state from March 29-April 1 at Jim Norick Arena at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City.

Other NFR qualifiers include Cooper, Joseph Parsons, Matt Shiozawa, Nate Baldwin, K.C. Jones and Shane Hanchey. Jones has been a fixture at the Lazy E-produced Timed Event Championship, where he’s a four-time winner of that prestigious title.

RNCFR tie-down roping qualifiers
This list is subject to change

Boe Brown
Justin Scofield
Blake Hirdes
Ryle Smith
Blair Burk
Roger Nonella
Carmine Nastri
Tim Naylor
Jared Kempker
Bill Huber
J.C. Crowley
Dustin Bird
K.C. Jones
Jace Johnson
Jerome Schneeberger
Hunter Herrin
Brad Hartt
Shane Hanchey
Tuf Cooper
E.J. Roberts
Matt Shiozawa
Nate Baldwin
Joseph Parsons
Seth Hall


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