They’re Ram tough

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The 2011 Dodge National Circuit Finals Rodeo will be the last event that carries the Dodge brand.

The Chrysler Group is making a significant marketing change, and its truck line will now be under the Ram brand. That means it will be the Ram 1500 and Ram Dakota, while Dodge will focus on cars.

But the announcement, made Friday during a news conference at Jim Norick Arena in Oklahoma City in conjunction with the DNCFR, points to the automotive maker turning its marketing attention to Ram Rodeo.

“We’re very fortunate that we’ve been around so long,” said Mike Orman, president of Ram Rodeo. “This is quite a program we represent at the circuit level.”

Chrysler has partnered with the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association for three decades and has been the title sponsor of the national circuit championship for all of its 25 years.

“Rodeo is the single largest marketing program we have in the trucks,” said Bo Puffer of the Chrysler Group. “We are going to be taking rodeo even more mainstream. We’re going to get into markets we haven’t before.”

That’s good news for rodeo.


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