It’s worth the trip

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It’s been a few years since I witnessed the spectacle known as the Timed Event Championship, a unique event created by the Lazy E Arena staff when it opened its doors nearly 30 years ago.

The championship features 20 of the greatest timed-event cowboys in the game, even in the history of the game, competing in all five timed-event disciplines: heading, heeling, tie-down roping, steer wrestling and steer roping. It is truly a magical event, set this year for March 2-4.

Thought it’s been several years since I sat in the majestic arena, I’ve worked on the Timed Event in some regard for most of the last 10 years. I’m very blessed by the opportunity I have in preparing the written information that goes into the program each year.

I guess it’s just been part of my life for so long that I was caught off guard when I learned that an official with a major ProRodeo sponsor indicated he had never been to the Lazy E in early March to witness this affair. I just assumed it was a must-see for those who have been around the sport for so long.

Nonetheless, I informed my friend that he needed to make the trip to central Oklahoma; the five rounds of competition over three days is well worth it.


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