Making the most of a missed opportunity

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JMac (2008 world champion bareback rider Justin McDaniel) and I missed out flight to Sisters (Ore.) and had to turn out the best horses in the bunch, the ones that could’ve won it for us.

We went up to Tulsa the night before, and we were staying right there by the airport. We woke up and were waiting on the shuttle, and the shuttle driver was late. Then when we get to the ticket counter, we stood in line for 20 minutes. Then the security level was red that day, so I just get in line and wait.

By the time I get through, I run through to my gate, and they said the pilot had shut the doors and wasn’t letting anyone on. My bags went to Houston before they got them back to me.

So we went to the track with our sponsor, Jack Hodge from James Hodge Ford. We were down there standing on pit road (at Tulsa Raceway Park). It was pretty cool, ol’ JMac sporting his State Farm hat for my buddy, Eric Norris, who’s been helping me out for a couple years now.

We hung out at Weatherford (Texas) with a bunch of old college buddies of mine, then at Bradley Harter’s. We’re headin’ to the rodeo in Big Spring (Texas) to get on some of Pete Carr’s buckin’ horses, then tonight we’ve got an 18-hour jaunt to Bellevue, Iowa. We’re just livin’ a dream.


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