MGM Deuces Night is a 6-year-old mare that was bred to be a bucking machine.
She’s doing her job.

The bay horse owned by Dallas-based Carr Pro Rodeo is just in her second year in the world of ProRodeo, but she’s already one of the elite horses in the business. That says a lot considering the great animal athletes that are part of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association year in and year out.
But if you ask the top bareback riders in the game, they’ll tell what makes her Deuces Night so special.
“That’s a mare is just an awesome horse that’s good in the chute that gives you a chance to win every time you nod your head,” said Kelly Timberman, the 2004 world champion bareback rider from Mills, Wyo., who won the 10th round of the 2010 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo with an 88.5-point ride on Deuces Night. “I don’t care if the horse is dirty rank or hard to ride, I just want one to give me a chance to win first. That horse gives a guy a chance to win first every time, but you can say that about a lot of Pete’s horses.”
Pete Carr owns Carr Pro Rodeo, and he purchased Deuces Night last year from bareback rider Wes Stevenson, a six-time qualifier to the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo who purchased Deuces Night from the great Zinser bucking string.
“I knew she’d have a really good shot to come to the finals,” Stevenson said. “I knew she was that good, so part of the reason I sold her to Pete is that I knew she’d have a good shot to go to the finals. I bought her from Jim Zinser as a brood mare, but she bucked so good, I didn’t want to waste her sitting at my house. I wanted her to have a chance.
“She has a lot of heart. I was the first one to get on her with a rigging, and from the first time we ever bucked her, I knew that little filly has a lot of heart. She’s a very electric horse. She’s going to start doing some stuff right out of the box.”
Chris Harris saw that at one of the first big rodeos in which bucked. Harris, a six-time NFR qualifier, rode Deuces Night for 88 points to win the 2010 West of the Pecos Rodeo in Pecos, Texas. Fast forward just one year when karma came into play. Harris, from Itasca, Texas, was matched with Deuces Night for the second straight year. The tandem worked just as well together, for 87 points, making another Pecos victory for Harris.
And for Deuces Night.
“That Deuces Night is one outstanding bucking horse, the kind that will be the bareback horse of the finals, I think,” said D.V. Fennell of Porum, Okla., a two-time qualifier to the NFR.
This past April, Kaycee Feild and Deuces Night matched moves for 90 points during the Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo in Oklahoma City. It earned the Elk Ridge, Utah, cowboy a share of the final-round win with four-time world champion Bobby Mote, who rode the 2010 bareback horse of the year Big Tex.
“I wasn’t quite sure if it was going to be enough points to help me win that round, because it’s a younger horse,” Feild said. “Then he left there that first jump, then the second, and I knew I had a chance to show my ability to my full ability. He slipped a little, but he got right back up and started right back where he left off.
“He was just outstanding.”
Feild has been around the game a long time. His father, Lewis Feild, owns five world titles, two for bareback riding and three in the all-around. In addition, Kaycee Feild is on his way to his fourth straight qualification to the Wrangler NFR.
“Horses like that have a bucking style … it’s not easy in any means, but if you do stub your toe, you’re going to get bucked off,” Kaycee Feild said. “But those horses are the ones where you can really show your ability to ride. They hang in the air, and they’re really electric.”
Three-time world champion Will Lowe knows that as well as anyone.
“When you go to a Pete Carr rodeo, you know you’re going to get on something that bucks,” said Lowe of Canyon, Texas. “Pete has quite a few really good horses.”
Is Deuces Night one of the best in a string that includes Real Deal, the 2005 Bareback Horse of the Year, and Riverboat Annie, the 2007 Reserve World Champion Bareback Horse?
“That’s a pretty awesome horse,” Lowe said of Deuces Night. “It’s got those Zinser blood lines, and they’ve really showed how good they are the last couple years. There’s been quite a few that jumped out that and have been really fantastic.
“When you have that mare, you always got a dang good shot of being 86, 87-plus, and you’ve got a dang good chance of winning. I’ll tell you this: I like her a lot more if her name was next to my name a little more.”
Lowe is describing the random draw that pits cowboy vs. animal in rodeo, which pitted Lowe against the young horse in Eagle, Colo., this past July. Lowe finished second in the rodeo with a quality 87-point ride.
“Deuces Night is a great horse, and she’s one I think will be one for a long time,” Timberman said. “She’s a horse that’s consistent, and she’s a horse that’s part of an elite pen. That’s a pretty strong statement.”
Carr realizes that, and he sees something he really likes in the young horse.
“This is a very special mare that bucks the right way,” Carr said. “You can tell she loves her job.”