It seems like we just crowned the 2011 world champions, yet work already has begun on the next major event in ProRodeo, the Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo.
In my case, it’s telling the stories that will draw fans to the competition, whether being there in person to see these wonderful athletes or giving the fans the insights that come with this great championship through the event’s Website. That’s where you’ll find a BLOG carries all these little tidbits, and I think it’s the place you want to check out often.
Stories will be updated at least once a week. Already several have been posted, like the story about four-time Timed Event Championship winner K.C. Jones returning to the RNCFR or about the great match-ups you might see when it’s man vs. beast in Oklahoma City.
The Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo will run from March 29-April 1 at the State Fair Arena, otherwise known as the Jim Norick Arena, the one-time host of the National Finals Rodeo. Oklahoma City is a wonderful community that knows what good rodeo is all about; fans there will see something spectacular in just a few months.