It’s no surprise to those in rodeo that Troy Lerwill is one of the greatest entertainers in the sport.
He’s got a lot of great things going for him, from his fantastic sense of humor to his exceptional motorcycle act. Not only does he entertain fans at every rodeo he works, Lerwill draws people to the events just so they can see his act. That’s why he’s one of the most sought-after acts in rodeo.
It seems as though 2012 is my year for The Lerwill Experience. So far this year, we have worked together at the Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo in Oklahoma City and the Guymon (Okla.) Pioneer Days Rodeo, but that’s just the beginning. We’ll work together at the Dodge City (Kan.) Roundup Rodeo from Aug. 1-5, then a week later in at the Lea County Fair and Rodeo in Lovington, N.M.; we’ll also be in Hempstead, Texas, in October for the Waller County Fair and Rodeo.
The Lerwill Experience is always enjoyable. You should experience it, too.