The opening performance of Pool B at the Calgary Stampede wasn’t too kind on steer wrestler Stockton Graves.
Graves, a seven-time Wrangler National Finals Rodeo qualifier from Newkirk, Okla., posted a 17.1-second run on his first animal. He made up for it on Day 2, though, with a 3.8-second run. That was good enough to tie Casey Martin of Sulphur, La., for the second-round victory. They each earned $5,000.
That’s big, because only the top money-earners from each of the two pools advance to Sunday’s final day. The others are summoned to the dungeon, as it were – they have to come through the wild card in a last-ditch effort to qualify for the $100,000 round.
It’s great getting to see the Calgary Stampede happen live, or nearly live. I’m fortunate in that I have an iPad that is picking up the international feed. I can’t, however, get it on my computer, and I know several others who can’t either. I sure hope the Calgary Stampede and the CBC get it figured out soon. They’re losing fans quickly.