Great report on the NFR-Las Vegas

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Ted Harbin TwisTED Rodeo
Ted Harbin
TwisTED Rodeo

Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist Howard Stutz put together THIS comprehensive opinion piece about the negotiations to keep the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas for the next 11 years.

In his report, Stutz wrote, “The combined efforts of South Point owner Michael Gaughan, Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority President Rossi Ralenkotter, Las Vegas Events Chairman Bill McBeath and representatives of the Strip’s largest hotel-casino operators sealed the deal with the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association, the NFR’s sanctioning body.

“Mickey Mouse and Big Tex couldn’t pick Vegas Vic’s pocket.”

No, they couldn’t. One tidbit Stutz reported was that Las Vegas Events President Pat Christenson was in a bit of hot water for his kneejerk-reaction news release in December. It’s quite interesting, and I recommend you take time to read it.


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