Schueth returns to winner’s circle

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Beau Scheuth battles 12X and Costa's Portuguese Power for 85.5 points to win the Bullfighters Only-Vernal event this past weekend. (JIM FAIN PHOTO)
Beau Schueth battles 12X and Costa’s Portuguese Power for 85.5 points to win the Bullfighters Only-Vernal event this past weekend. (JIM FAIN PHOTO)

VERNAL, Utah – Beau Schueth finally got what he’s been looking for over the last 11 months.

“It definitely feels good to finally get a win,” said Schueth, who earned the Bullfighters Only-Vernal championship, which took place in conjunction with the Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo. “That’s pretty huge.”

Schueth opened the three-day bullfights by matching moves with 12X and Costa’s Portuguese Power for 85.5 points. He then held on with the highest bullfighter score to win the tie-breaker over Dayton Spiel of Parade, S.D., to claim the title – Spiel posted his 85.5-point fight on Saturday, the final night of the competition.

“I thought I had a good bullfight, but I didn’t know if 85.5 points would hold up,” said Schueth, 25, of O’Neill, Neb. “Now that I’ve got the W, I’m looking to keep things rolling through the next few weeks.”

Once the powerful black bull locked in on Schueth, the fight was on.

“He was a real stout black bull,” he said. “I like starting them with a fake to my right. Just looking at him, I didn’t think he was going to really blow through (the fakes) hard, so I knew it was going to be a tight bullfight the whole time. Luckily I had a back fake out of there after I made a couple of rounds and step-throughs.”

As the fight progressed, Schueth was the aggressor and continued to keep the bull within firing range. That’s important in freestyle bullfighting, because half the score is based on the animal, its willingness to stay in the fight and its aggressiveness.

Schueth’s final maneuver – the one he was “selling” the fight on to hopefully impress the judges even more – was to be his patented spine grind, in which the he jumps over the bull and lightly touches the animal’s back with his cleats; it’s much like how skateboarders and snowboarders grind on a rail.

“He got my drag foot and flipped me over,” Schueth said. “At least I got over him, but I would’ve liked it better if I’d been able to land on my feet.

“He was definitely a fun little bull, but you know you’re going to fight good ones when Manuel (Costa) brings the pen.”

The weekend marked BFO’s first trip to Vernal. By being out the first night, Schueth noticed that the crowd didn’t know what to expect at first. That changed quickly.

“Once they figured out what we were doing, they really got into it,” he said. “They loved it. It was cool to see how much they got into it. That was awesome.”

Round 1: Beau Schueth, 85.5 points; 2. Weston Rutkowski, 82; 3. Zach Arthur, 75.
Round 2: 1. Evan Allard, 78 points; 2. Travis Gidley, 73.5; 3. Ely Sharkey, 70.5.
Round 3: Dayton Spiel, 85.5 points; 2. Justin Josey, 83; 3. Kris Furr, 75.


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