DUNCAN, Okla. –Kylie Weast doesn’t compete at many ProRodeos these days. Life in nearby Comanche, Oklahoma, with her husband and two children keeps her plenty busy.
But she won’t miss Cord McCoy’s ProRodeo, set for 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 7-Saturday, May 8, at Stephens County Arena in Duncan; tickets can be purchased at Crutcher’s Western Wear in Duncan or online at McCoyRodeo.com.
“I think it’s great that we have the ProRodeo return to Duncan in May,” said Weast, a 2018 National Finals Rodeo qualifier in barrel racing. “It’s just 20 minutes from the house, so it’s a hometown rodeo for us.”
Weast comes to rodeo naturally. She is the fifth member of her family to qualify for the NFR, following in the footsteps of her grandmother, Florence Youree; great aunt, Sherry Johnson; mother, Renee Ward; and older sister, Janae Massey.
It’s similar to McCoy, the youngest of his rodeo family from southeastern Oklahoma. In fact, the McCoy kids and the Ward girls ran in the same circles; that’s just what happens in the game and the Western lifestyle.
“We grew up with the McCoys,” Weast said. “I think it’s great that he’s become a stock contractor and is putting on a rodeo in Duncan. Cord’s done well for himself in a lot of different avenues, so I expect this to do very well, too.”
McCoy has a pretty nice rodeo background. He was a five-time IPRA world champion, a 2005 NFR qualifier and a six-time qualifier to the PBR World Finals. Beyond that, he was featured three times on CBS-TV’s “The Amazing Race,” competing alongside his older brother, Jet, as they raced around the world trying to win $1 million.
Their best finish was second place in their inaugural run on the show, but they reached viewers. Producers noticed, which is why The Cowboys returned two more times.
For her part, Weast has lived her rodeo dreams. She still loves to run barrels and train horses, which is why she focuses on that instead of chasing a gold buckle.
“I have a lot of futurity colts, so I’m busy with that and love it,” she said. “My kids are getting bigger, and I just don’t want to miss out on that.”
But she has no plans to miss out on Cord McCoy’s ProRodeo. Her grandmother, a Hall of Fame cowgirl, makes sure to remind her of it and the opportunity to compete in front of a local crowd.
Stephens County Arena will be the site of the first event on the 2021 McCoy Rodeo Tour, and it will be the perfect place to celebrate so many things that are Oklahoma. In addition to Weast and McCoy, the rodeo will feature the specialty act of Ripley, Oklahoma-based Rider Kiesner and Bethany Isles, who were named the PRCA Dress Act of the Year in 2020, and Cody Webster of Wayne, Oklahoma, the reigning PRCA Bullfighter of the Year and a fixture at the PBR’s premier events, the Unleash the Beast tour.
“I’m pretty proud to be from Oklahoma, and I’m glad that the first two of our events are in Oklahoma,” McCoy said, noting he will produce an event in Atoka, Oklahoma, May 21-22. “I was raised here, and I’m raising my family here. It’s rodeo, and it’s home. I like it.”